
Altogether Autism Waikato Network meeting, 27 June 2019

Amanda Phillips PowerPoint Presentation

Altogether Autism conference 2017 powerpoint presentations.


Maria and Josh Man – Growing up with the Bold One-Eyed Pirate: A brother-sister perspective on living life with autism

Rita Jordan – Current understanding of the autism spectrum and the implications for education and support



Cat Noakes-Duncan & Louise Stickle-Ryan  – He kai kei aku ringa (‘there is food at the end of my hands’): The story of Spectrum Playgroup

Caroline Hearst – Transition to identifying positively as autistic: The facilitator of a successful peer support programme in the UK discusses the findings of the independent evaluation of the programme

Daniel Shepherd, Rita Csako, Kelly Ty, Jason Landon and Sonja Goedeke – School of Public Health and Psychosocial Studies, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand

Hilary Stace – A life for Ashley and the role of allies

Ian Ward – Asperlutely Autsome – It’s all about the family: An organisation’s philosophy to supporting the whole family

John Craven – Specialisterne: Seizing the opportunity of autism – a global shift

Keri Opai – What is the Māori word for autism? Is there such a term?

Madison Ward – What about me? I’m normal too plus Madison’s Poem

Racheal Wiltshire – The C Word: Personal experiences of coping with change and growing up as an Aspie

Rochelle Nafatali – A Pasifika parent’s perspective on life after an ASD diagnosis: The squeaky wheel gets the oil, and fighting the war against low expectations.

Maureen & Tor Poulter – A journey of empowerment

Rita Jordan – Addressing self-injurious behaviour across the autism spectrum: Issues in support and prevention

Tanea Paterson – Psychological health, substance use and autism



Mary Anne Gill – Re-designing the website on a shoestring budget


View the Conference Programme 2017